Five Strategies to Remove Your Blocks to Thinking Bigger

Most new things start with a big idea, but many people have blocks when it comes to thinking big or outside of their box.  When I advise business leaders, it’s often assisting them in getting outside of their comfort zone to think bigger.  I’m not sure there is a better structure to thinking big than having someone to help you recognize your limiting thoughts and can challenge you, however, there are steps you can do on your own.  Here are five things you can do to position yourself to think bigger:

Be Present and Celebrate Your Wins:  Many people get stuck not praising themselves and being present to who they are, what they’ve created, and their impact.  That also ends up having an impact on what they believe they can create causing limited thinking.  I always suggest that people get into a weekly habit of listing all of their accomplishments.  I also suggest finding comfort in fully receiving external acknowledgement so they can fully hear the praise they are receiving.

Unlearn Your Past and Historical Limits:  This one is the story of my life.  In ways it helped me because I was always trying to “buck the trend.”  Being African-American from New Jersey, whatever generation I’m from, college educated, from my family, all of which came with pressure and expectations to do, be, think, appear a certain way.  Luckily, I bucked that trend and created my best life.  But on the flip-side, I had to learn to stop fighting the trend, because that is sometime the opportunity worth taking.  Either way, by unlearning your past and historical limits, a whole spectrum of thoughts and opportunities become available.

Deconstruct the Pedestals and Caste System You Created and Fight Really Hard to Uphold:  It’s really crazy to hear some of the stories we’ve created about life and society.  We have stories about classes, pedestals, who goes where, ceilings, and floors.  All of this gets in the way when thinking big because our thoughts end up needing to fit into the stories we have bought into.  Those stories limit the bigness of the thoughts, let them go for good. 

Remove Yourself from the Situations that Create Limits:  I get it, societies and organizations need structure, however, sometimes that structure creates limits for you and your thinking.  In order to think bigger you need to remove yourself from those situations.

Consider Eliminating Some of the Limiting Roles You Serve for Others:  We play many roles throughout life and some of these roles come with responsibility.  I’ve played the role of the clown with the expectation of being funny around others.  But some of these roles can limit our big thinking.  It’s important to assess the roles you play and their responsibilities, eliminate the ones that aren’t aligned to your greatness and big thinking, and create new roles.

Start taking these actions today.  Many of them will take time and practice, but if you incorporate them, you will start to experience expanded thinking and how your life can change because of it.

Jason Dukes is an Executive Life Coach to Visionary Leaders and helps them bring their visions to life through innovative and customized one-on-one programs.

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